Mi abuelo es un peligro poster
Mi abuelo es un peligro poster

¡Te come la cara entera!That hat is too big for you. To eat (to ingest food - Me gusta comer manzanas.I like to eat apples.), to have for lunch (to each for lunch - mexico - Me gusta comer manzanas.I like to eat apples.), to have for dinner (to eat for dinner - Latin America - Vamos a comer espagueti con albóndigas.We're going to have spaghetti and meatballs for dinner.), to hide (Ese sombrero te queda demasiado grande. They must be somewhere.) (Intransitive Verb) En alguna parte tienen que estar.Look properly. To look for (Estoy buscando un nuevo desafío.I'm looking for a new challenge.)/to try to find (Debemos centrarnos en buscar una solución al problema.We must focus on trying to find a solution to the problem.) (To Try To Discover), to try to spot (Cuando entré en la discoteca, busqué a mis amigos con la mirada, pero no los vi.When I went into the club, I tried to spot my friends, but couldn't see them.)/to look for (Sus ojos recorrieron la habitación, buscándola.His eyes went around the room, looking for her.) (To Try To See), to seek (to try to achieve - Buscamos cambios fundamentales en el modelo de negocio para asegurar nuestro futuro.We're seeking fundamental changes in our business model to secure our future.), to look up (to locate - Busca el número en el catálogo.Look up the number in the catalog.), to look for (to aim for - No busco pelea, solo quiero que me escuches.I'm not looking for a fight, I just want you to listen to what I have to say.), to pick up (Estuve esperando a que mi hermano viniera a buscarme para ir a almorzar.I was waiting for my brother to come and pick me up for lunch.)/to fetch (Tengo que ir a buscar las flores para la fiesta.I need to go to fetch the flowers for the party.) (To Collect), to search for (computing - Pasé la tarde buscando ofertas de vacaciones en Internet.I spent the afternoon searching for vacation deals on the Internet.), (Transitive Verb), to look (to search - Busca bien. It is a fun ride from beginning to end, and despite all the clichés, the jokes are what make this ride worth it.To open (to allow access through - llamé a la puerta pero nadie vino a abrirla - I knocked at the door, but nobody came to open it), to open (unwrap - No había manera de abrir el envoltorio - there was no way that I could open the packaging), to open (to uncover - ten cuidado al abrir la botella que se había sacudido - be careful opening the bottle it has been shaken up), to open (to extend - agarra el pájaro de manera que no pueda abrir sus alas - hold the bird so that it can't open its wings), to open (to draw back - abre las cortinas que entre la luz del sol - open the curtains and let the sunshine in), to open, (to access - abre el diccionario y busca tu palabra favorita - open the dictionary and look up your favorite word), to open (to clear - abrieron camino en la nieve desde la entrada de su cabaña - they opened a way through the snow from the door of their cabin), to open (to lead - el presidente abrió el debate con un breve discurso - the president opened the debate with a brief speech), to whet (to make eager for eating - los olores de la cocina le abrieron el apetito - the cooking smells whetted his appetite) (Transitive Verb), to open (to set up - el museo abre a las 11 de la mañana los domingos - the museum opens at 11 in the morning on Sundays) (Intransitive Verb)


Sure this movie isn't nowhere near a comedic masterpiece and nor is it trying to be. I also really liked the supporting characters, especially Jason Mantzoukas as a drug dealer who had me laughing every time he was on screen. Robert De Niro is also awesome on the role all throughout. I am becoming a fan of as I keep on seeing him in these kind of movies. Zac Efron is really funny, he has shown that he's got comedic guts over and over again. But it doesn't really matter, cause Dirty Grandpa has been a box office success and a lot of people liked it, including me. I suppose that a lot of these negative reviews for this movie are from people who think that this movie is against their "morals". I found this movie really funny most of the time and I couldn't stop laughing at a lot of the jokes. After Jason's grandmother dies and just before his marriage, his grandfather asks him to go on a road trip to Daytona Beach, Fla., and there's where Jason learns a couple of lessons from his "dirty grandpa". The film stars Robert De Niro, Zac Efron, Zoey Deutch and Aubrey Plaza. Dirty Grandpa is a comedy film directed by Dan Mazer and written by John Philips.

Mi abuelo es un peligro poster